Cashflow Forecasting

Looking for a spreadsheet template for your cash flow forecasting? Please download our free cash flow forecasting template for Excel or Google Sheets.

Our template forecasts your future cash flow based on current bank balances, projected revenue, expenses, and investments - including VAT timing. Get a visual view of your future cash flow for your company over the next 12 months.

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Why People Choose XLReporting


XLReporting has a built-in spreadsheet editor that is fully compatible with Excel, so you can re-use your existing budgeting and forecasting spreadsheets, giving you a familiar environment and a short learning curve.


XLReporting offers customizable templates as well as enabling you to create any business structure you wish. This means you will never outgrow XLReporting and you always have the solution you need.


XLReporting can connect to any data source, so all your data is in one place. You can control what your users can see or do, which enables everyone to work with the same data, automatically updated, reducing the risk of errors.


XLReporting can compete with any enterprise solution without the need for an army of consultants and high investements. It is extremely good value for money and also offers "out of the box" options for the smaller budget.

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