What is new in release 37

author Edgar de Wit

Happy New Year

We start 2023 with our latest release 37. It contains many improvements and features that customers asked for, along with many other features that you will enjoy.

Here are a few of them:

  • We redeveloped the print and PDF output so that reports and models are now 100% pixel-perfect.
  • We added "type ahead" to all selections in reports, models and layout filters. This makes it easier to filter long lists.
  • You can now embed tables within your models, in a similar manner to charts and images. This gives you a powerful toolkit to create dynamic reports.
  • We added more functions to help you make whatever calculations you need to make.
  • Our PRINT function has been expanded even further, giving you even more options to create dynamic reports, including hiding rows and columns based on conditional data.
  • A new theme called "Masked" makes all amounts in reports, models, charts, and data sets invisible. It's perfect for training sessions and screenshots, so you can show off without showing numbers.

Visit our release page for all the latest updates.

We would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

We wish you a successful 2023!

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