In this article:
Save | Actions | Import | Export | Review

Edit data

This option enables you to manually add, edit, and delete data in your XLReporting data sets in a spreadsheet-like manner.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot analyze edit

While editing, you can choose from a number of options for ease of use:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

You can edit any column in any row. Certain columns may feature a dropdown that show a list of values or a calendar. To insert, delete, copy, or move rows, you can either right-click on a row, or click on the ☰ button in the last column of a row:

screenshot analyze edit cells

✭ Tips:


Click on the Save button (or Ctrl+S) if you want to save your changes. If the data has been succesfully validated, it will be imported into the XLReporting database. If there are any validation issues, XLReporting will report these, and no data will be imported. After you have resolved these issues, you can click Save again.


When editing data, you can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot analyze edit actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

Import from file

Click on Actions - Import from file to import data from a file. This will replace all existing data.

After you have selected your import file, you will see a data preview:

screenshot source data import

If you selected an Excel workbook, you will be able to select which sheet within that workbook you want to import. You can also indicate at which row the data starts (enabling you to ignore empty or title rows in files) and whether your file contains column headers.

The header names in your import file must correspond to the column names in the data set.

Once you have reviewed the data, click on Apply and the data will be imported if all column headers match. If they don't, XLReporting will tell you which columns are missing in your import file.

✭ Tips:

Export to file

All data in XLReporting can be exported to Excel, and imported from Excel where applicable. If you have lots of data to be edited, it can sometimes be faster to do that in Excel using search & replace, copy down etc. Simply export the data, edit in Excel, and import it back again.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot export excel query

Review this data

Click on Actions - Review this data to review a number of aspects of this data set:

screenshot datasets review

Recommended reading:
Back to top | Define data sets | Videos

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