We're trying to avoid geeky terms. But just in case, we have listed our terminology for you:
Cell editors - are definitions that you can
place in a cell in a model to make the cell editable and describe the type of cell value and
how the user will be able to enter or select cell values.
Cell objects - are definitions that you
can place in a cell in a model to create advanced functionality within that cell, for
example cell editors, buttons with row actions, conditional formats, sparklines, images, or
Columns - are a feature of data sets: you
can define their type so they can validate and store relevant data.
Convert - is the process of transforming
some information, for example a numerical calculation, converting a date, or transforming a
text value. This is relevant in imports and reports.
Dashboard - is a personal page with your own favorite
reports and models.
Data sets - are configurable objects that store
your data (think of them as Excel worksheets, database tables, or tabular lists). You can
define its columns, set user permissions, and then import data into it.
Expressions - are one or more functions, variables,
values, and operators combined in the right sequence to produce the desired result. You can
use expressions across reports, models, imports, and data sets.
Fields - are a feature or reports: they
show information either based on a data set column, on a calculation, or on any type of
Filter - is the process of filtering
information on the basis of certain criteria, for example only a given company, or periods
within a given year.
Functions - are methods that perform a
single particular task on given parameters, and return the result. You can use functions
across reports, models, imports, and data sets.
Subscription - is a paid plan that
entitles you to use XLReporting. There are different product options, and you can pay on a
monthly or annual basis.
Imports - are configurable objects that define how
your source data (i.e. data from another system or file) will be converted and imported
into a data set.
Layouts - are configurable settings that
define the visual presentation of report data, and include the report or chart type, fields
positions, and further options. A report can have multiple layouts.
Lookup - is the process of looking up some
information in another data set. This is relevant in imports.
Mapping - is the process of linking data
in import files into the desired target columns in data sets. This is relevant in imports
and model queries.
Menu groups - are a way to categorize objects into
your own desired menu navigation. This makes the menu navigation easier.
Models - are configurable objects that combine data
queries with spreadsheet-like templates, enabling you to build advanced reporting and
planning models.
Planners - are configurable functions in a
model to distribute amounts across a range of cells (for example, to apply a seasonal
revenue pattern to a series of months).
Profile - is your personal information
and preferences, as well as your company detailss.
Replace - is the process of replacing
existing data by new data, based on certain criteria. This is relevant in imports and in
Reports - are configurable objects that define how
information from one or more of your data sets will be combined and presented into a
Row actions - are configurable buttons
that you can place in a cell in a model to allow rows to be inserted, copied, or deleted, as
well as enable the Planner to be used on that row.
Selections - are the parameters you select
when you run a report, model, or import.
Scripts - are blocks of program code that perform
automated and repetitive tasks. You can use scripts across reports, models, imports, and
data sets.
Tenant - this is you as our customer. A tenant
is an organisation (with one or more users) in our system, with its own private and secure
configuration, users, and data. Your data is completely isolated from other tenants.
Transpose - is the process of changing
import data from columns into rows, based on defined fields. This is relevant in imports.
Queries - are used to pull data from data
sets into your model, and to write back data (entered by the user or calculated through
formulas) from your model into your data sets. A model can contain multiple queries.
Users - are persons with online access to your
XLReporting tenant. Each user has his or her own login and personal dashboard(s).
User roles - are access permissions to program
features, objects, and data. They control the level of access by users in XLReporting.
Widgets - are movable frames on your dashboard. Each
widget contains a report or model.