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Manage user roles

User roles define the access to all program features, objects, and data in XLReporting. You can create as many roles as you want, and then assign one or more role(s) to each user. User roles consist of 3 elements:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Create user roles

You can create a user role in two ways (watch the tutorial video):

Either way, the rest of the process is the same, and you can enter a name for your new user role and define its settings:

screenshot account user roles

This page also shows all current users that have been assigned to this user role.


You can define the settings for the user role via these fields:


You can enable or disable the access to every individual program feature:


Permits enable you to define granular controls in models. You can assign permits (one or more custom codes) to user roles, and look them up using the PERMIT() function in your models. This function returns true if the user has been assigned the given permit (that is, if at least one of the roles that have been assigned to the user has this permit), else false.

In addition to entering just a name, you can also enter permits as "name=value". In that case, the PERMIT() function will lookup the value if the permit exists in at least one of the roles that have been assigned to the user.

This enables you to control what the user is allowed to do within the model, for example by locking or hiding cells, making certain calculations, disabling the save button etc. See the PERMIT function for more details.

Please note that permits are case-sensitive. Avoid using spaces.

Restrict roles

By selecting permission Manage users WITHOUT Manage roles, you can create a user role with restrictions on the user roles that can be assigned. In that case, an additional field Restrict roles appears where you can select the user roles that are allowed to be assigned when managing other users.

This enables you to give restricted access to users, in terms of how they can manage other users. A concrete example is if you have roles "Define", "Manage", and "View", and you want to give a user the ability to create and edit users, but ONLY with "View" access.

Data filters

You can select one or multiple filters to restrict the data that users can view and save. The list of fields shows all your data sets with all their columns, and you can set a filter for each field:

screenshot account user roles filters

So in above example, users assigned to this role will only be able to view data that is limited to company "UK" and unit "100". Users with different roles can be given access to the same report, yet they would see differently filtered data, based on their role. This is a powerful feature that helps to segment and protect your information in a very simple way.

The Type field designates what the filter is used for. You can define filters for view actions (run report, run model) and save actions (run import, save model).

You do not need to add anything to the definition of reports, imports, or models. The filters will automatically be applied when a user runs reports, models, and imports that relate to a data set for which you have defined one or more filters.

✭ Notes:


When defining a user role, you can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot account user roles actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

Review all roles

Click on Actions - Review all roles to review the user roles and permissions that each user has been assigned:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot manage users roles review

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