In this article:
Profile | Tenant details | Security options | Global settings | Single Sign-On | Subscription | Actions | Password | MFA and API tokens

Manage your profile

This page shows your user information and (if your user role has the relevant permissions) your tenant details and your subscription. You can change your own information and your tenant details, and buy a subscription.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot manage profile


You can change your personal profile and preferences:

Tenant details

If your user role has Edit tenant permission, you can also change the company details of your tenant:

Security options

If your user role has Edit tenant permission, you can also change the security options for your tenant, which will apply to all your users:

✭ Notes:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Global settings

Global settings enable you to define settings for your tenant, either just by name or as a "name=value". You can lookup these settings with the SETTING function in your imports, reports, and models. This function returns true or false if the given setting exists in the tenant, or its value if you used "name=value". See the SETTING function for more details.

screenshot tenant global settings

Please note that global settings are case-sensitive. It is best to avoid using spaces.


This section is only visible if your user role has Edit tenant permission, and deals with your contractual agreement with us and your right to use our services:

Single Sign-On (SSO)

XLReporting has its own user management based on username and password, with optional "Multi Factor Authentication" (MFA).

We also support "Single Sign-On" (SSO) which delegates the user authentication and login to an external identity provider that supports the OpenID Connect protocol. This gives you a single and unified management of all your users. You can connect with the following providers:

Please contact us for details on SSO configuration, as we will need to coordinate this with your own IT team. You can read more details here.


You can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot manage profile actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

✭ Notes:


XLReporting only accepts strong passwords of minimum 12 characters using a combination of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. We do this in accordance with the OWASP guidelines for secure web applications.

Passwords are set to automatically expire after 180 days.

You can renew your password anytime you wish.

We highly recommend that you use a Password Manager to generate and remember the password for you.

MFA and API tokens

You can activate Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) and a API access token using the Actions menu:

screenshot manage profile tokens

✭ Notes:
Recommended reading:
Back to top | Groups | User roles | Users | Videos | Security

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