In this article:
Create | Settings | Source | Connectors | Mapping | Convert | Select | Selections | Transpose | Lookup | Repeat | Replace | Batch | Server import | Actions | Review

Define imports

Imports are configurable objects that ensure data from other systems or files can be repeatedly and consistently converted and imported into data sets in XLReporting. You can give each import a name, define the source data, the target data set, the column mapping, conversions, data selections, and set user permissions.

Once created, you can run imports as often as you want to update the data in XLReporting.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

When you sign up, your tenant already has a number of predefined imports, aimed at financial reporting. They contain example data of a fictitious company. You don't have to start from scratch, you have working examples which you can start with, and you can add or change imports at any point in time.

Some common examples of imports are:

Create an import

You can create an import in two ways (watch the tutorial video):

Either way, the rest of the process is the same, and you can enter a name for your new import, set user permissions for it, and define its column mapping. The column mapping of an import is shown in Excel-style with a preview of the converted data:

screenshot define imports


You can define the settings for the import via these fields:

Choose source data

Click on Source Data to choose your source data. You can choose from the following data sources:

After you have selected your source data, you will see a data preview:

screenshot define imports source

If you selected an Excel workbook, you will be able to select which sheet within that workbook you want to import. For Excel workbooks or text files, you can also indicate at which row the data starts (enabling you to ignore empty or title rows in files) and whether your file contains column headers. It is preferable to use files that contain header names, because it is easier to work with column names when importing data. If your file does not have header names, the columns are referred to by letters (e.g. Excel style such as A-Z) or column numbers (1-99).

Once you have reviewed the data, click on Apply so you can define the column mapping.

✭ Notes:

Define column mapping

Once you have selected your target data set and your source data, XLReporting will try to automatically match the columns in your source data to those in your target data set. You can always edit this where required.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

The column mapping is shown in Excel-style with a preview of sample data (the first 5 rows). Please note that this menu option enables you to configure an import, but it does not actually import the data. Once you have defined an import, you can run Run Import whenever neeed to import the data on an ongoing basis.

screenshot define imports columns

If you want to change the order of the columns, just drag them to the left or right. You can edit a column mapping by clicking on its ⚙ Mapping header, which opens the following window:

screenshot define imports columns edit

You can select the source or other content for each column in your target data set, by choosing from the following:

Convert the source data

Once you have selected the source, you can optionally convert or recalculate the source data. You can enter a simple function or an expression with multiple functions and operators. An expression can contain the following elements:

✭ Notes:

When converting data, you can refer to other columns. If you refer to other columns (which may themselves contain expressions or calculations), please make sure these fields are positioned to the left of the field that is referencing them. The order of fields in the data set is not relevant, all that matters is that the calculations in the import are being done in the right order, and if needed you can simply drag fields to the left or right in the import definition.

Here is a practical example with a screenshot:

screenshot define imports columns convert

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Select the import data

Once you have selected the source column, and optionally converted or recalculated its value, you can select the data. Selection means that you can include (or exclude) rows in your source data from the data import.

You can specify a static value, a simple function, or a complex expression and you can use all common operators. You can choose from various filter functions.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

The below example selects only rows with a certain range of accounts, so only those will be imported:

screenshot define imports columns filter

You can also use SELECT() to present the user with a dropdown list of values.

User selections

In many cases you might want the user to select some value when they start an import. For example, the company they're about to import, or the period. You can achieve that by using the SELECT() function.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

The below example uses a SELECT() to present the user with a list of company codes (using the values from another data set). By using SELECTED() in the source column the selected company code is then imported into the target data set:

screenshot define import columns select

Transpose source data

When importing from Excel workbooks, you may often find that information is laid out in columns, for example period-by-period amounts. XLReporting enables you to transpose that column data into rows, so you can store it optimally in data sets. Simply select the column names in your source file that you want to transpose:

screenshot define imports transpose

This will transpose the selected column data and you can use the 2 special columns TRANSPOSE in the column mapping to your data set.

By default, the transpose operation will skip empty values and zeros. If you want to transpose all columns onto all rows even if they are empty, you can do so by selecting the Also include empty option.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

Lookup data

Another common scenario is to look up some value in another data set, based on data in your import file or some other logic. Let's assume an import file contains local Chart of Account numbers that need to be converted to a central Chart of Accounts.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

The below example uses a LOOKUP() to lookup the central account code based on the combined company code and local account code in your import file. The looked up account code is then stored in the target data set:

screenshot define import columns lookup

Repeat empty values

The option when empty enables you to define the action when a field has no source value: either skip the entire row, abort the entire import (nothing will be imported), or repeat the value from the previous row (which is useful if your import data is grouped).

Replace data

When you define an import, you can decide how newly imported data relates to existing content of the data set: do you want to simply add to the existing content, or do you want to completely overwrite all existing content, or do you want to update existing data? Or perhaps you want to selectively replace or delete existing content based on certain criteria?

If you choose to replace or delete data, you need to select one or more column(s) that will be used to decide which data to replace or delete. The import will use the selected values on these column(s) (e.g. SELECT, SELECTED, or fixed values) if these are defined, or else the realtime values in the source data, to replace or delete existing data.

A practical example is importing financial data for a given financial period: most users want to be able to import subsequent (updated) versions, but without duplicating anything. To achieve that, you should select Replace in and Replace existing data for the relevant column:

screenshot define import columns replace

You can select multiple columns, for example company and period. In that case, any existing data for the same company and period will be deleted, before the new data is imported.

The option Delete from is similar in that it deletes matching existing content in the data set, but without importing any new data.

Define import batch

Click on the Import batch field to combine multiple imports into a batch which you can then run as one single action. This is useful if you want to process related tasks during, before, or after a given import.

screenshot define imports batch

You can insert or delete imports at any time, and re-order them, using the dropdown menu in the last column.

By default, imports will be started in the order that you define them, and processed in parallel (i.e. near simultaneously). This gives the fastest performance in general, but if you have certain imports that require other imports to be completed first, you can set Wait in line. When this option is set for an import, it will only be started and processed once all its predecessor imports have completed.

Server import

By default, the source data for imports is collected and processed in the user browser, and the result is sent into the target data set in XLReporting. This enables you to select a local file, or login to an accounting system etc. However, if the source data for an import is an existing data set in XLReporting, it is far more efficient to process the import on our servers. Even very large imports will complete instantaneously.

When you define an import, XLReporting automatically decides if it can be run on the server. This is generally the case if all following conditions are met:

When processed on the server, you will be notified by relevant messages in the import screen.


When defining an import, you can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot define columns actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

Please note that the list of actions is dependent on the permissions (in your user roles) that you have been given.

Review this import

Click on Actions - Review this import to review a number of aspects of this import and its target data set:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot define datasets imports review

Recommended reading:
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