Run reports
This option enables you to run defined reports. After you have a selected a report (and any
selection parameters where applicable), you can view the report.
You can also watch the tutorial
Reports can have multiple named layouts. If a report has more than 1 layout, the layout names
will be shown horizontally, and you can easily switch between them by clicking on the layout

✭ Tips:
- Click on ☰ XLReporting in the left-top of the screen to minimize the
menu area and maximize the report area. Clicking again will restore it to the way it
- If you experience any issues with scrolling in reports, change your browser settings.
When running a report, you can use the Actions button in the right-top of the

This button opens a dropdown menu with further options:
- Find text in report (or Ctrl+F)
- Change layout
- Export data or print
- Add to dashboard
- Define this report
Find text
By pressing Ctrl+F or selecting Actions - Find text, you can
search the contents of the report. As soon as you start typing text, the data will
be filtered on any rows that match your search text, and matching rows are clearly marked
with a background color.
Change layout
It is easy to edit a report layout, simply by dragging fields into the various areas of a
report. Click on Actions - Change layout to edit the current report layout. By
default, changing a report layout is ad-hoc, meaning the layout is only available to you,
on this page. When you navigate to another menu item, the layout is not saved. If you have the
Save layout permission, you are also allowed to add new layouts, and save your changed
layouts so they are available to other users.

This window enables you to change the report options and the fields
position (watch the tutorial
Report options
These are settings that determine the overall appearance of the report layout:
- Layout type - report, compact, sparklines, chart, treemap, diagram
- Chart type - column, column (stacked), column (with line), column (combi),
bar, bar (stacked), line, line (smooth), pie, pie (3D), donut, donut (KPI), area, area (smooth), area
(stacked), radar, scatter, gauge, bullet, scorecard, geo chart, timeline
- Column totals - sum, average, variance, variance (-), or none
- Report totals - sum, average, result, result (-), or none
- Sort by - sort either on the descriptions in the row fields (if you select
multiple Row fields, these will all be included in the sort operation), or
on the values in the report
- Options - dependent on the selected layout type, you can enable the
following options:
- Totals first - show the column totals before the data columns
- Incremental - calculate the incremental value (difference) between subsequent column values
(converting cumulative column values to distinct values)
- Cumulative - calculate the cumulative totals from subsequent column values
(converting distinct column values to cumulative values)
- Fin subtotals - insert extra subtotals in Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports:
"Gross Profit", "Earnings before Interest & Tax", "Total Assets", and "Total Equity
& Liabilities". In all other reports, this option will be ignored
- Hide zeros - for reports, hide rows that only have zero values
- Collapse - for pivot reports, collapse all rows
- Show grid - for charts, show horizontal grid lines
- Hide values - for charts, hide the values on the axis
- Reverse values - for charts, reverse the data values
- Labels for totals - you can optionally provide 1 or more labels for
the report totals, column totals, and subtotals. By default, the totals are given an
automated label based on the selected operation (e.g. Total, Average, Variance etc).
You can optionally specify a custom label. For example, instead of the default
"Total" you might want to show "Net result" as a report total. This field can
contain up to 6 labels (Report totals, Column totals, Subtotals, Fin subtotals 1-3),
separated by a comma, and they are all optional
- Zones - for the chart types "gauge", "bullet", and "scorecard",
you can optionally enter the % values for the 3 zones (green, orange, red), separated
by a comma (zones are used when comparing 2 value fields)
- Goals - for the chart types "gauge", "bullet", and "scorecard",
you can optionally enter the absolute value for target, and (optionally) the mininum and maximum
values, separated by a comma
You can choose from over 30 different layout types.
Fields position
You can manually drag-and-drop any of the available fields into any of the report areas, and if
you no longer want a field in your report, you can simply drag it out again.
- Fields - this shows all fields that are available within this report.
- Filters - drag fields here that you want to use as dynamic filters. They
will be shown above the report with automatic lists of values. Whenever you select a
different filter value, the report will be immediately updated to reflect this.
- Rows - drag fields here that you want to lay out into rows. This is the
main dimension of your report. You can create a grouping in your report by dragging multiple
fields here, and move them into the desired order. For the standard layout type, you can
also indicate where you want subtotals.
- Columns - drag fields here that you want to lay out into columns. Usually,
these are fields that contain a period, date, or time. By including one or more fields into
columns, you can create two-dimensional reports.
- Values - drag fields here that you want to summarize on. Usually, these are
number or amount fields. Once you have dragged a field here, you can click on it to select
the color and the type of operation.
You can choose from these operations:
- Sum - the sum of all values (non-numeric values are ignored).
- Count - the number of values that are not blank (values can be
numeric or text). Please note that this counts the visible items in the report, and
not all items in the underlying data.
- Average - the average of all values (non-numeric values are
- Distinct - the sum of distinct values in the underlying data.
- Minimum - the smallest value (values can be numeric or text).
- Maximum - the largest value (values can be numeric or text).
- Percentage - the percentage (%) that each value makes up of the
report total (non-numeric values are ignored). The report total is always 100%.
- Incremental - the incremental value (difference) between the rows.
- Cumulative - the cumulative value for every row.
All operations are automatically calculated for all subtotal levels in the report.
You can also watch the tutorial
Export to Excel
All reports in XLReporting can be exported to Excel.
Please note that this option is
only visible if your user role has Export data permissions.
Add to dashboard
A dashboard is a personal page with your own favorite reports and models. You can create multiple
dashboards, and each dashboard can contain multiple reports or models (watch the tutorial video).
Click on Actions - Add to dashboard to add this report to either a new
dashboard, or to a new dashboard: