In this article:
Create | Settings | Columns | Link | Edit | Actions | Import | Export | API access | Power query | Clear data | Review

Define data sets

Data sets are configurable objects that store your data (think of them as Excel worksheets, or database tables, or tabular lists). You can give each data set a name, define its columns, set user permissions, and import data.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

When you sign up, your tenant already has a number of predefined data sets, aimed at financial reporting. They contain example data of a fictitious company. You don't have to start from scratch, you have working examples which you can start with, and you can add or change data sets at any point in time.

Some common examples of data sets are:

Data sets don't need to exactly replicate the structure of your existing data, because you can convert your data during the import anyway. It is best to design them in such a way that they are optimal for reporting purposes.

Create a data set

You can create a data set in two ways (watch the tutorial video):

Either way, the rest of the process is the same, and you can enter a name for your new data set, set user permissions for it, and define its columns. The columns of a data set are shown in Excel-style with a preview of their data:

screenshot define datasets


You can define the settings for the data set via these fields:

Define columns

The columns of a data set are shown in Excel-style with a preview of their data:

screenshot define datasets columns

You can edit or delete an existing column by clicking on its ⚙ column header, and you can add new columns by clicking on the + New header in the last column. If you want to change the order of the columns, just drag them to the left or right.

You need to give each column a unique name and select a data type for it:

screenshot define datasets columns edit

You can choose from 9 data types:

Dependent on the data type you have selected, you can choose to enable This column always requires a value to make this column mandatory in Edit data and Import data.

There are 2 ways in which you can link information between multiple data sets:

If you select Linked value, this field is required to have a value, and that value must exist in the linked data set. In other words: by default, empty or missing values are not allowed. If you do want allow that, you can enable Allow empty or missing values.

The below example shows how a Dropdown list is used:

screenshot define datasets columns linked

The below example shows how Linked value is used to link a data set (that contains financial data) to 2 other data sets (one contains the list of companies, and the other contains the Chart of Accounts):

screenshot define datasets linked

Edit data

When defining a data set, you can manually add, edit, and delete its data in a spreadsheet-like manner. You can edit any column in any row. In List, Combo, and Date columns you can select from a dropdown with the list of values. To insert, delete, copy, or move rows, you can either right-click on a row, or click on the ☰ button in the last column of a row:

screenshot define datasets edit data

If you don't want to manually enter the data, you can also import data from a file via Actions - Import data.

You can also watch the tutorial video.


When defining a data set, you can use the Save and Actions buttons in the right-top of the screen:

screenshot define datasets actions

These buttons enable you to do the following:

Please note that the list of actions is dependent on the permissions (in your user roles) that you have been given, and the permissions that have been set for this data set.

Import data

Click on Actions - Import data to import data from a file or from another system. After you have selected your source, you will see a data preview:

screenshot define source import columns

If you selected an Excel workbook, you will be able to select which sheet within that workbook you want to import. For Excel workbooks or text files, you can also indicate at which row the data starts (enabling you to ignore empty or title rows in files) and whether your file contains column headers. It is preferable to use files that contain header names, because it is easier to work with column names when importing data. If your file does not have header names, the columns are referred to by letters (in Excel style: A-Z) or column numbers (1-99).

Once you have reviewed the data, click on Apply and you will be given the following choice:

Export data or print

All data in XLReporting can be exported to files (Excel, CSV, JSON), and imported from files where applicable. If you have lots of data to be edited, it can sometimes be faster to do that in Excel using search & replace, copy down etc. Simply export the data, edit in Excel, and import it back again.

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot export excel query

Get API access

You can retrieve data from -and import data into- data sets through our API. For example, you can send data directly from another system or database into your data sets without having to go through the web pages. You can also retrieve data from your data sets to send it straight into another system or even directly into Excel or PowerBI.

Please note that this option is only visible if your user role has Access API permission, and only for data sets that have Access API permission.

Click on Actions - Get API access for instructions, properties, and examples:

screenshot define datasets api

XLReporting provides the following API methods:

You need to provide a valid API token with all requests. Tokens are linked to users, and you can request a token through Manage - Profile - Actions.

Read more about API integration.

✭ Notes:

Power query

In addition to exporting data sets to Excel, you can also access data sets directly from Excel or PowerBI using Power queries. This enables you to design your own reports in Excel or PowerBI using realtime data from XLReporting. The data will be automatically refreshed at any time without you having to login to XLReporting.

XLReporting creates a small file for you specific to each data set, which you can open in Excel via Data - Get external data.

You can choose to store your API token and selected values in the file, or leave them as runtime parameters.

screenshot export excel query

Clear the data

Click on Actions - Clear the data to clear either all data, the selected rows (based on the column filters), or the cached data for this data set. Using a preview, you can view and select the rows you want to clear:

screenshot define data sets clear data rows

The cached data is a in-memory cache of a data set, which is used for maximum performance of reports. XLReporting automatically clears it as soon as data is changed or imported. It is only in exceptional situations that you would ever need to clear the cache manually.

Review this data set

Click on Actions - Review this data set to review a number of aspects of this data set:

You can also watch the tutorial video.

screenshot define datasets review

Recommended reading:
Back to top | Imports | Reports | Models | API integration | Videos

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