These functions perform an operation on text values, and return a derivative of the original values. You can use these to convert text values in imports, reports, or models.
Returns a text string with all characters removed from the given text string that are not numeric (digits 0-9) and/or not a letter (a-z or A-Z). Excessive spaces are removed.
ALPHANUM("Account Nr: #400.10;") = "Account Nr 40010"
Replaces all occurrences of the given search text (old) within the given text string (data) with the given replacement text (new).
If you want to replace text based on a certain position, you should use the REPLACE function.
This function is an alias for the SUBSTITUTE function and thus identical.
CHANGE(data, old, new)
data = "this text"
CHANGE(data, "this", "that")
= "that text"
Returns the character that corresponds to the given numeric value.
CHAR(65) = "A"
Returns a text string with all whitespaces and nonprintable characters removed from the given text.
CLEAN("A B C ") = "ABC"
Returns the numeric code for the given start position within the given text string. If you don't provide the character position, the first character will be used.
CODE(data, start)
CODE("ABC", 2) = 66
Joins together two or more text strings in cell ranges, data arrays, or comma-delimited lists of values. You may specify multiple ranges. With the optional type parameter you can ignore comma's in texts (to prevent such texts from being treated as comma-delimited lists of values).
CONCAT(data, data, .., type)
0 = standard (default)
1 = ignore comma's in texts
data = "this text"
CONCAT(data, " and more") =
"this text and more"
CONCAT(A1:A3, B1:B3)
Returns true if two text strings are exactly the same, else false. With the optional type parameter you can ignore case-sensitivity, spaces, and special characters.
EXACT(data, text, type)
0 = exact match (default)
1 = ignore case-sensitivity, spaces, and
special characters
data = "this text"
EXACT(data, "This Text!") = false
"This Text!", 1) = true
Indents the given text string to the given level (0-9).
This function enables you to dynamically indent text, based on some condition, for example a value in the cell or comparison against another cell. Level 0 is no indentation, and each next level (up to 9) indents the text with 20px.
INDENT(data, level)
INDENT("example text", 1)
Joins together non-zero values or non-empty text strings in cell ranges, data arrays, or comma-delimited lists of values, merged with the given separator (char). You may specify multiple ranges. If you want to include empty text strings, you should use the TEXTJOIN() function instead.
This function is the reverse of the SPLIT function.
JOIN(data, data, .., char)
JOIN("a, b, c", "/") = "a/b/c"
JOIN(A2:A5, A20:A22, ";")
Returns a specified number of characters from the start of the given text string.
LEFT(data, number)
data = "this text"
LEFT(data, 3) = "thi"
Returns the length (i.e. the number of characters) of the given text string.
data = "this text"
LEN(data) = 9
Converts all characters in the given text string to lower case.
data = "THIS TEXT"
LOWER(data) = "this text"
Merges the values from a key-value data range into placeholders inside the given text. The data range needs to consist of 1 or more rows with 2 columns, the 1st column being the key and the 2nd column being the associated value. The text can contain multiple instances of key embedded between square brackets (e.g. "The revenue is [amount]" ).
Please note that this function does not follow the cell format (i.e. number and date format) of the placeholder value. You have to use the TEXT() function in the placeholder value cell to set the desired presentation format for amounts and dates.
You can also use 2 special placeholders for text markup: [br] for a line break and [li] for a list of bullet points.
MERGE(data, text)
=MERGE(A2:B5,"We close the year with revenue of $ [revenue]
and costs of $ [costs].")
=MERGE(A2:B5, IF(B6>1000, D1, D2))
You can dynamically retrieve the text from a data query:
=MERGE(A2:B5, DGET("ModelA", 1))
=MERGE(A2:B5, DGET(IF(B6>1000, "ModelA", "ModelB"), 1))
Equally, you can retrieve the values from a data query (it must return exactly
2 columns). For example:
=MERGE(DRANGE("2019", 1), "The revenue is [amount]")
=MERGE(DRANGE("", 1, 0, -1), "The revenue is [amount]")
Returns a specified number of characters starting at the given start position within the given text string. The number parameter is optional.
MID(data, start, number)
data = "this text"
MID(data, 2, 3) = "his"
Converts all separate words in the given text string to proper case (meaning: letters that do not follow another letter in upper case and all other characters in lower case). The optional split parameter will separate capitalized words in the given text string with a space.
PROPER(data, split)
0 = convert separate words to proper case (default)
1 = separate capitalized words with a space
data = "some example text"
PROPER(data) = "Some Example
data = "SomeExampleText"
PROPER(data) = "Some Example Text"
Returns the first value that exists (partially or entirely) in a text, cell range, data array, or comma-delimited list of values, else returns false. This function can be useful to convert (reduce) complex text values into simpler terms.
REDUCE(data, values, values, ..)
data = ",,"
"google", "apple") = "google"
Returns the result of matching a text against a sequence of characters that specifies a search pattern. This can be used to test, extract, or substitute text.
Regular expressions are powerful text search patterns, which are universally standardized. You can find more information, a comprehensive reference, and a useful tool for experimentation, at Please note: special characters in search patterns require a prefix character. This is usually 1 backslash \ but XLReporting requires 2 backslashes, so \\. See the examples below.
REGEX(data, regex, flags, type, option)
Common regex patterns:
\\w = find a word character
\\w+ = find entire words, consisting of 1 or more word characters
\\d = find a digit
\\d+ = find numbers, consisting of 1 or more digits
\\s = find a whitespace character
\\t = find a tab character
\\n = find a newline character
[a-z] = find any character between the brackets
[^a-z] = find any character NOT Between the brackets
(a|b) = find any of the given words or characters
^a = find the pattern at the start of the data
a$ = find the pattern at the end of the data
g = global match (find all matches, don't stop after the first match)
i = case-insensitive match
m = multiline match
0 = test if the pattern matches, and return true or false (default)
1 = extract the n-th element (specified by the number in option) that matches the
2 = substitute the text that matches the pattern by the text specified in option
data = "this shop has 34 products and 3 windows"
"has") = true
REGEX(data, "\\w+", "g", 1, 4) = "products"
REGEX(data, "\\d+", "g", 1, 1)
= 34
REGEX(data, "products", "gi", 2, "items") = "this shop has 34 items and 3 windows"
Replaces all or part of the given text string with another string new (at the given start position), for the given number of characters. The start and number parameters are optional.
If you want to replace text based on a search text, you should use the CHANGE function.
REPLACE(data, start, number, new)
data = "this text"
REPLACE(data, 1, 4, "that") =
"that text"
Returns a text string with the given text string repeated for the given number of times.
REPT(data, number)
data = "ab."
REPT(data, 3) = "ab.ab.ab."
Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a given text string.
RIGHT(data, number)
data = "this text"
RIGHT(data, 3) = "ext"
Returns the first position of the given text string or character within another given data string. You can optionally specify a start position.
SEARCH(data, text, start, type)
0 = case-insensitive search (default)
1 = case-sensitive search
data = "this text"
SEARCH(data, "text", 1) = 6
Splits the given text string into separate elements, based on the given delimiter character, and returns the element at the given index (starting at 1). You can pass a negative index to return an element counting backwards from the end.
This function is the reverse of the TEXTJOIN function.
SPLIT(data, delimiter, index)
data = "apple/orange/banana"
SPLIT(data, "/", 2) =
SPLIT(data, "/", -3) = "apple"
Returns a text string with all characters removed from the given text string that are not numeric (digits 0-9) and/or not a letter (a-z or A-Z). Excessive spaces are removed.
STRIP(data, type)
0 = return digits and letters (default)
1 = return only numeric digits
2 = return only letters (case-insensitive)
3 = return only lowercase letters
4 = return only uppercase letters
STRIP("Account Nr: #400.10;") = "Account Nr 40010"
1) = 40010
Substitutes all occurrences of the given search text (old) within the given text string (data) with the given replacement text (new).
If you want to replace text based on a certain position, you should use the REPLACE function.
SUBSTITUTE(data, old, new)
data = "this text"
SUBSTITUTE(data, "this", "that")
= "that text"
Converts the given value into text, using a user-specified format (as per the user profile). You can use this function if you want to represent values as formatted text (for example, when you want to concatenate it with other text).
TEXT(data, type)
"0" = no decimals (default)
"0.0" = 1 decimals
"0.00" = 2 decimals
"0.0%" = percent with 1 decimal
1-9 = the number of decimals (n = 1 through 8)
"D" = date
"Zn" = pad with leading zeros (n = fixed length)
data = 4"
TEXT(data, "0.00") = 4.00
TEXT(data, 2) =
"0.0%") = "4.0%"
TEXT(data, "Z6") = "000004"
Splits the given text string into separate elements, based on the given delimiter character, and returns a text string with everything after the requested element at the given index (starting at 1). You can pass a negative index to return an element counting backwards from the end.
The selected elements are concatenated into a text string, based on the given join delimiter (which can be the same as the split delimiter, or different, or nothing).
TEXTAFTER(data, delimiter, index, join)
data = "apple/orange/banana/berry"
TEXTAFTER(data, "/", 2, ";")
= "banana;berry"
TEXTAFTER(data, "/", 2) = "bananaberry"
Splits the given text string into separate elements, based on the given delimiter character, and returns a text string with everything before the requested element at the given index (starting at 1). You can pass a negative index to return an element counting backwards from the end.
The selected elements are concatenated into a text string, based on the given join delimiter (which can be the same as the split delimiter, or different, or nothing).
TEXTBEFORE(data, delimiter, index, join)
data = "apple/orange/banana/berry"
TEXTBEFORE(data, "/", 2,
= "apple;orange"
TEXTBEFORE(data, "/", 2) = "appleorange"
Joins together text strings in cell ranges, data arrays, or comma-delimited lists of values, merged with the given separator (char). You may specify multiple ranges. This function will also include empty text strings. If you want to exclude those, you should use the JOIN() function instead.
This function is the reverse of the SPLIT function.
TEXTJOIN(data, data, .., char)
TEXTJOIN("a, b, c", "/") = "a/b/c"
TEXTJOIN(A2:A5, A20:A22,
Splits the given text string into separate elements, based on the given delimiter character, and returns the element at the given index (starting at 1). You can pass a negative index to return an element counting backwards from the end.
This function is an alias of the SPLIT function, and the reverse of the TEXTJOIN function.
TEXTSPLIT(data, delimiter, index)
data = "apple/orange/banana"
TEXTSPLIT(data, "/", 2) =
TEXTSPLIT(data, "/", -3) = "apple"
Removes redundant spaces and spaces at the start and end of the given text string.
data = " this text "
TRIM(data) = "this text"
Converts all characters in the given text string to upper case.
data = "this text"